Details |
From |
To |
Name of the Organization |
Associate Professor |
2nd June, 2008 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
10th August, 2006 |
1st June, 2008 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
8th June, 2004 |
9th August, 2006 |
Chaitanya P.G. College, Hanamkonda, Warangal, Telangana |
Lecturer |
6th January, 2003 |
31st May, 2004 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal, TS, India |
Lecturer |
1st December, 2000 |
3rd January, 2003 |
Masterji Degree & P.G. College, Hanamkonda, TS, India |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S.No |
Details |
Scopus /SCIE/WoS/ABDC:(15) | |
2023-24 |
Rathnakar Gatla., R Lavanya Kumari and others, “Integration of Digital Transformation and Corporate Innovation in International Business Strategies and Practices”. Journal of Informatics Education and Research (JIER), vol.3, issue 2 Nov. 2023. ISSN: 1526-4726. ABDC Index. |
Rathnakar Gatla., Christina Shiju and others, “Analysis of Working Capital Management at High Cash Burn Start-ups in the Food Tech Space”. World Journal of Management and Economics (WJMEC), vol.16, issue 08, August 2023. ISSN: 1819-8643,Rosetta Publications, Egypt. ABDC Index. |
2022-23 |
Rathnakar Gatla., Atul Bansal, Saket Narendra Bansod, Iskandar Muda, Harish Chowdhary, and Mohd Aarif, “Artificial Intelligence Based E-Commerce Information Management Model”, 2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), E-ISBN:979-8-3503-9826-7. DOI: 10.1109/IC3I56241.2022.10072663. Published by IEEE, pp 2013-2018, Dec. 2022. Elsevier Scopus, |
Conf. Proceedings |
G. Divakara Reddy, Sweta Saxena, Eliza, K. R. Isabels, G. Rathnakar and U. Turar, "Utilization of AI for Streamlining and Optimizing Credit Decision Process and Security in Banking Sector," Dec. 2022 published by IEEE, 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2022, pp. 715-721. ISSN:2768-0673, doi: 10.1109/I-SMAC55078.2022.9987389.Elsevier Scopus, |
Dr. Rathnakar Gatla, Dr. Deepa Choudhari, and Others, “Organisation Financial Risk Management Control System Using Artificial Intelligence”, Korea Review of International Studies (KRIS), vol.15 (37), pp.92-101, August 2022. ISSN:1226-4741, published by Global Research Institute Korea University. ABDC Index. |
Conf. Proceedings |
G. D. Reddy, S. Saxena, E. S. Tinggi, K. R. Isabels, G. Rathnakar and U. Turar, "Utilization of AI for Streamlining and Optimizing Credit Decision Process and Security Access Loan Risks in the Banking Sector,". 2022 4th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), doi: 10.1109/ICIRCA54612.2022.9985674.ISBN:978-1-6654-9707-7, Published by IEEE, pp. 1165-1171. Elsevier Scopus, |
2021-22 |
Surendar Gade, G. Rathnakar and G. Gurunadham, “The Household Financial Management During the Covid Pandemic -A Comparative Analysis”, ECS Transactions (ECST), vol.107 (1), pp. 7131-7141, April 2022. ISSN:1938-5862,DOI 10.1149/10701.7131ecst. The Electrochemical Society, USA. Elsevier Scopus. |
Rathnakar Gatla, “Management of Social Relations Involving Intrigue to Authority Psyche”, Journal of Positive School Psychology (JPSP), an International peer-reviewed journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 357-359, March. 2022. e-ISSN: 2717-7564, Gokmen Arslan, Society of Psychology and Education, Turkiye. Elsevier Scopus. |
Rathnakar Gatla, “Crypto Currency Mining-A Centralised Exchange Model for Thorniest Issues”, Webology, an international peer-reviewed journal, vol.18, no. 5, pp. 105-114, Sep. 2021. ISSN: 1735-188X, Info Sci Publisher (University of Tehran, Iran). Webology center. H-Index 18. SCIE, |
2020-21 |
G. Rathnakar, & G. Surendar, “A Sustainable Rural India Microfinance Sector -Future Direction and Strategies”, Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils (NVEO), vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 4515-4521, 2021. e-ISSN: 2148-9637, (Badebio Biotechnology Ltd) Aliva Global Research and Development, USA. H Index-3. SCIE, |
Rathnakar G., “ECL Model its impact in the midst of COVID-19 Global Crisis -The test of a financial crisis driven model in times of Global Crisis”, Int. J. of Adv. Sci. and Tech. (IJAST), vol. 29, no. 06, pp. 1307-1312, 2020. ISSN: 2005-4238, Science and Engineering Research Support Society, Australia. Impact factor 7.97, H index-4.Elsevier Scopus, |
12 2019-20 |
Rathnakar G., “Blockchain Marketing through Social Media Surges the Economic Growth of India”, Int. J. of Recent. Tech. and Engg. (IJRTE), vol. 8, issue-1S4, pp. 78-81, June 2019. ISSN: 2277-3878. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Science. Impact factor 5.92.Elsevier Scopus, |
Rathnakar G., G. Surender “Innovative Fin-Tech Business Models the Role of Financial Institutions”, J. of Adv. Res. in Dyna. and Cont. Sys. (JARDCS), vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 122-125, 2019. ISSN: 1943-023X. Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, USA., H Index-8. Impact factor 0.8. Elsevier Scopus, |
G. Surendar, Rathnakar G.,“Accounting Profession –Role of Information Technology”, Int. J. of Adv. Tr. in Comp. Sci. and Engg. (IJATCSE), vol. 8, no. 1.2, pp. 154-160, 2019. ISSN No. 2278-3091. The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering., Impact Factor 3.980. Elsevier Scopus, |
2012-13 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., Rathnakar, G.,& Shyamsunder, C., “Capital Account Convertibility –Myth and Reality”, Glob. J. of Emerg. Mkt. Eco. (GJEME), vol. 4, issue 1, pp.71-86, 2012. ISSN No. 0974-9101. Doi: 10.1177/097491011100400105. Published in Association with Emerging Markets Forum, Washington DC USA.UGC Approved Journal List No. 27979. H Index-2.Elsevier Scopus& Web of Science |
International Level: (10) | |
2016 |
Shailaja, G., and Rathnakar G., Impact of Financial Markets Globalisation on Indian Economy. Pune Research Discovery an International Journal of Advanced Studies. Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 01-07, May-July 2016. ISSN No. 2455-9202. Indexed, peer-reviewed/refereed International Journal. International Innovative Journal Impact Factor 3.01. |
Rathnakar G., (Sep. 2015). Exchange Rate Regime: Rich, Diversified and Developing Countries Choice,Global Journal of Management & Technology, Vol.4, issue 3, pp. 112-117.ISSN: 2319-6823. |
2012 |
Rathnakar G., (2012). Re-Engineering for Public Sector Management in India.Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, vol. 2, issue 10, pp. 355-360. ISSN No. 2231-5780.UGC Approved List No. 48877. Refereed Journal, Internationally indexed,J-Gate, SJIF impact factor 6.479. ICV,4.82. |
Rathnakar G., (2012). A Study of Workers Participation in Management Decision Making at BHEL, Hyderabad, International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research, vol. 1, Issue 9, pp. 135-141.ISSN No. 2277-3622. Refereed Journal and Internationally Indexed, J-Gate,Sci. Journal Imact Factor3.454. |
Rathnakar G.&Ramlal, P. (2012). Indian Insurance Industry –The Financial Indicators and its Analysis of United India Insurance Company Limited, International Journal of Management Research and Review,vol.2, issue 5, pp. 734-751. ISSN No. 2249-7196. Society of Scientific Research and Education (SSRE), Impact factor 2.25. |
Rathnakar G., (2012). Perpetual Tribulations of Management Education,International Journal of MSTH,Vol. 2, Issue: 1, pp. 201-204. ISSN No. 2249-5460. |
2010 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., Rathnakar, G.,&Shyamsunder, C. (2010). Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) and Marketing Strategies, International Journal of Management -The Great Management Guru,Vol. 1, pp. 122-131. ISSN No. 2231-0622. |
2009 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., Rathnakar, G. (2009).Working of Non-Banking Financial Companies in India –A Case Study,International Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS), Vol. 5, issue: 1, pp. 187-200. ISSN No. 0973-2101.UGC Approved List No. 63357Refereed Journal, internationally indexed, SJIF 3.274. |
2008 |
Rathnakar G. &Shirisha, D. (2008). Logical Proposals for Reforming the International Financial Architecture, International Journal of Logic Based Intelligent Systems (IJLBIS). vol. 2, issue: 2, pp. 109-111. ISSN 0975-4776. |
Rathnakar G. &Shirisha, D. (2008).Emerging Logical Change in International Financial Markets, International Journal of Logic Based Intelligent Systems (IJLBIS).Vol. 2, issue 2, pp.119-121. ISSN 0975-4776. |
National Level: (12) | |
26 |
Rathnakar G.& Dr. A. Raghuvender, (2019). The Impact of e-HRM on e-Educational Services, Society for Public Welfare and Initiatives Journal for Social Welfare, Special issue, feb. 2019, pp. 71-82. ISSN: 2581-6322. A multi-disciplinary peer-review bi-quarterly social science research journal. |
27 |
Rathnakar G., (July-Sep. 2018). Future Direction and Strategies to amplify a sustainable Micro Finance Sector for rural India,Itihas –The Indian Journal of Management,Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 47-51. ISSN: 2456-7302. UGC Approved Journal List No. 63861. Refereed/peer reviewed journal, indexed in EBSCO, J-Gate, ICI and International Indexed Journal with ICV value of 5.09, Impact Factor0.4514. |
28 |
Rathnakar G., (2015). FDI Inflows in India: Problems and Challenges, Itihas –The Indian Journal of Management, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 8-12. ISSN: 2249-7803.UGC Approved Journal List No. 63861. Refereed Journal/peer-reviewed, indexed in EBSCO, J-Gate, ICI and International Indexed Journal with ICV value of 5.09, Global Impact Factor 0.4514. Newzen research publications. |
29 |
Rathnakar G., (2012). Stake Holder’s and Corporate Governance, Itihas –The Indian Journal of Management, vol. 2, issue 4, pp. 48-56. ISSN: 2249-7803.UGC Approved Journal List No. 63861. Refereed Journal, indexed in EBSCO, J-Gate, ICI and International Indexed Journal with ICV value of 5.09, Global Impact Factor 0.4514.Newzen research publications. |
30 |
Rathnakar G., (Feb. 2009).Changing Paradigms of NBFC’s in India, Management Accountant, (Std. ed.) Vol.2, No.2, pp. 28-32.ISSN: 0972-3528.UGC Approved Journal List No. 42202.Published by ICAI (Institute of Cost Accountant of India), Refereed Journal Impact Factor 0.563. |
31 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., & G. Rathnakar, (2008). Changing Paradigms of NBFC’s in India,Business Vision,Vol.4, No. 1-2, pp. 57-66.ISSN: 0973-1369.Refereed Journal,UGC Approved Journal List No. 62613. |
32 |
Rathnakar G.&Panindra, K. (2007). Ethics in Internet Activities, National HRD Network, News Letter, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 40-41. ISSN: 0974-1720.RNI Regn: APENG/2000/1392. |
33 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., & Rathnakar, G. (2007) Facets of Functional Management in 21st Century, The Research Network, A Journal of Creative Thinkers of Contemporary Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 23-27.ISSN: 0975-0517. The Journal of SOA University, Bhubaneshwar. |
34 |
Rathnakar G.&Veeraiah, P. (2006). Changing Scenario in Banking Sector in India–A Study, Banking & Finance,Vol. XIX No. 11, pp. 13-18. ISSN: 0971-4498. SP Publications. |
35 |
Rathnakar G.&Shirisha, D. (2005). Ethics of A Leader, National HRD Network, News Letter, HRD,Vol.:21, Issue: 9, pp. 261-262. ISSN: 0974-1720. RNI Regn: APENG/2000/1392 |
36 |
Sathyanaraya Chary, T., Rathnakar, G.,&Shyamsunder, C. (2005). Data Ware Housing in Managerial Decision Making, Prathibimba, a Journal of I.M.I.S., Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp.7-11. ISSN: 0079-2541. |
37 |
Satyanarayana chary, T. Rathnakar, G.,& Suresh S. (2004).Managing Cost through ABC, Indian Commerce Bulletin, The Journal of Research on Business Studies, Vol. VII-No.2 & Vol. VIII-No.1, pp.19-26. ISSN: 0972-6187. A Research Publication of Commerce Association of Kerala. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Rathnakar G., (2019). Blockchain Technology: Issues in Indian Financial System, in Emerging Issues and Challenges in Commerce and Management. Dr.RajenderKatla (Eds). ISBN 978-93-53513-90-0.Published by Paramount Publishing House. pp. 206-209. |
2 |
Rathnakar G., (2017). Issues and Challenges in Banking Sector in India, in Changing Dimensions of Financial and Banking System in India. Mr. G. Shankar (Eds.). ISBN 978-93-85101-43-4. Published by Paramount Publishing House. pp. 211-214. |
3 |
Rathnakar G., (2017). CSR: Ethics and Responsibilities in Life Insurance in India, in Corporate Social Responsibility in India –Emerging Issues and Challenges. Dr. Rajenderkatla (Eds.). ISBN 978-93-8510-45-8. Published by Paramount Publishing House. pp.136-138. |
4 |
Rathnakar G., (2016). Innovation Inputs and Implementation in Indian Banking, in Dr.K. Shashikala Reddy and Dr.G.Shashidhar Rao (Eds.) Emerging Trends in Banking and Insurance Sectors. ISBN No.978-93-85100-41-3. Published by Paramount Publishing House. pp.139-148. |
5 |
Rathnakar G., (2015). Effectiveness of Human Resource Factors in Supply Chain Management, in Prof. S.S. Prasada Rao, and Dr. N.V. Sri Ranga Prasad (Eds.). ISBN No. 978-93-84935-17-7. Published by Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University. pp. 114-116. |
6 |
Rathnakar G., (2013). Strategic Project Management its Portfolio Methodology, in V. Sheker, Selvarani Balan, and V. Suda (Eds.) Project Management –A Tool for Strategic Competence,ISBN No.978-81-7800-300-9. Published by BS Publications. pp. 184-190. |
7 |
Rathnakar G., (2013). Relaxation of FDI Norms for the Indian Retail Sector, in Dr. P. Varalaxmi (Eds.) Strategic Implications of FDI in retailing,ISBN No. 978-93-5097-349-3. Published by Himalaya Publications. pp.333-338. |
8 |
Rathnakar G., (2013). Role of FDI in Economic Development of India – A Sectoral analysis, in Shaik Masood, and MohdMujahed Ali (Eds.) Role of Financial Services in growth of Indian economy, ISBN No. 978-81-923541-2-5. Published by Engineering Publications. pp. 93-99. |
9 |
Rathnakar G., (2012). Energy Cost of Coalmine –A Study, Business Practices for Sustainable Integration, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Southern Book House, Publishers, Pondicherry, ISBN No. 978-81-909275-1-2. pp.246-249. |
10 |
Rathnakar G., (2013). Global Financial Crisis and its Challenges, in Gangadhar, V. (Eds.), International Seminar on Global Crisis Management –Challenges and Opportunities, February1-2, ISBN No. 978-81-922-783-9-1. Published by School of Management Studies, SIST, Hyd. pp. 126-139. |
11 |
Rathnakar G., (2012). Inclusive Growth –Role of Financial Sector, Modern Management Practices for Business, Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Southern Book House, Publishers, Pondicherry, ISBN No. 978-81-909275-0-5. pp.239-243. |
Text/Reference Books -1 | |
12 |
Rathnakar, G. & Shirisha, D. (2007). Crisis and Reforms of Power Sector in India, A in Ramulu, N. & Srinivas, T (Eds.) Reforms Communities and Development, Vol.1, No. 1, 195-201. |
Other Publications-2 | |
13 |
Narasimha Chary S., Rathnakar G., Shirisha, D. & Sujatha, j. (Eds.) (2008). Income Tax and Practical Auditing, SDLCE, Kakatiya University, |
14 |
Narasimha Chary S., Rathnakar G., & Others (Eds.) (2007). Financial Accounting –II SDLCE, Kakatiya University. |
S.No. |
Details |
1 |
Life Member – Indian Commerce Association (APICA -258) |
2 |
Life Member, Telangana State Commerce Association Regn. No.TCA650 |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course | Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear,ECE |
Forex & foreign Trade |
II Sem, IIIyear CSE |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear, CIVIL |
Forex & foreign Trade |
II Sem, IIIyear IT |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear, IT |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear MECH. |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
IV Sem MCA |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear, EEE |
Management, Economics& Accountancy |
II Sem, IIIyear CSE |
Forex & foreign Trade |
II Sem, IIIyear MECH |
Financial Accounting-I |
I Year, B.Com. |
Financial Accounting-II |
II Year B Com |
Business Statistics |
II Year BBM |
I Year, B.Com. |
Business Economics |
I Year, B.Com. |
Financial Management |
III Year, BBM. |
Postgraduate Level |
Financial Accounting |
I Sem, MBA |
Financial Management |
II Sem MBA |
Managerial Economics |
I Sem, MBA |
Financial Accounting |
I Sem MBA |
Financial Management |
II Sem MBA |
Strategic Financial Management |
Business Research Methodology |
II Sem MBA |
Corporate Tax Planning |
Strategic Management |
Entrepreneurship Development |
Strategic Financial Management |
Corporate Tex Planning |
Security Analysis |
Portfolio Management |
IV Sem MBA |
International financial Management |
IV Sem MBA |
Managerial Econimics |
I Sem MCA |
Accounting & Financial Management |
IV Sem MCA |
Principles & Practice of Management |
I Sem MCA |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
Faculty induction Programme |
22-8-22 to 22-9-22 |
2 |
Fin. Modelling Using Excel |
08-12 Feb. 2022 |
AICTE [ATAL], VES Business School, Mumbai. |
3 |
Data Analysis using SPSS |
20-24 Oct. 2021 |
AICTE [ATAL], MG University, TS. |
4 |
Data Analytics: tools & Techniques |
20-24 Sep., 2021 |
AICTE [ATAL],UoH, Hyd. |
5 |
Innovative Approaches in Teaching Pedagogy |
24-30 June, 2021 |
AICTE- STTP, Sahyadri CEM, Mangaluru. |
6 |
Research in Finance using E views |
04-08 Jan, 2021 |
AICTE [ATAL], PSGRK College for Women, Coimbatore, TN. |
7 |
Dynamic Transformation of Innovative Teaching: Pedagogy |
23-28 Nov, 2020 |
AICTE sponsored STTP, VCE, Wgl. |
8 |
Competency & sustainability of Commerce & Management Teachers-post covid-19 Scenario |
16-22 July, 2020 |
UCCBM, Kakatiya University |
9 |
Financial Modeling Using Excel |
10-12 June, 2020 |
GVPC, Visakhapatnam |
10 |
NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) |
Jan-Feb, 2020 |
NPTEL, IIS, Bangalore & Swayam |
11 |
Advances in internet of things |
12-22 Dec, 2019 |
KITS, Warangal |
12 |
Disruptive Technology in Digital Manufacturing |
25-29 Nov, 2019 |
KITS, Warangal |
13 |
Research Methodology |
7-11 Jan 2019 |
Kakatiya University & KITS, Wgl. |
14 |
FDP on "New Pedagogic Techniques in Technical Education" |
26.02.2018 to 03.03.2018 |
NIT, Warangal, Telangana. |
15 |
FDP on "Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions and Industries (QAHEII-17)" |
19.07.2017 to 23.07.2017 |
KITS, Warangal, Telangana. |
16 |
Attended on day Workshop on "Faculty Knowledge program" |
11-08-2017 |
IBS, ICFAI Business School |
17 |
Attended two FDP on "Business Analytics" |
11-11-2016 To 12-11-2016 |
University of Hyderabad |
18 |
Attended a 5 day FDP on " Research Methodology Computational Techniques(RMCT-16) " |
27-06-2016 to 01-07-2016 |
KITS, Warangal, Telangana. |
19 |
Attended a two day Workshop on "Effective Functioning of an autonomous Institution" |
17-01-2015 to 18-01-2015 |
KITS, Warangal, Telangana. |
20 |
Attended a one day Workshop on "SPSS 22 Application" |
05-07-2014 |
Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. |
21 |
Attended a 4 day FDP on "Research Methodology in Management with Techniques of Advanced Data Analysis(under TEQIP)" |
09-01-2013 to 12-01-2013 |
SNIST. Hyderabad, Telangana. |
22 |
Attended a 12 day FDP on "Entrepreneurship Development" |
29-03-2010 to 09-04-2010 |
DST, Govt. of India, NEW DELHI, ni-msme |
23 |
Attended a one day FDP on "Equities & Derivatives " |
12-01-2012 |
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. |
24 |
Attended a 3 day workshop on "Emerging Trends in Financial Research (ETFR)" |
27-03-2009 to 29-03-2009 |
NIT, Warangal, Telangana. |
25 |
Attended a two week
Leadership Development Programme on "Management Insights for Engineering Faculty for Academic Leadership" |
30-06-2008 to 12-07-2008 |
MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi, NITWarangal |
26 |
Attended one week FDP on "Business Management " |
05-01-2006 to 10-01-2006 |
School of Mgmt., UASC, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. |
27 |
Attended one week FDP on "Business Management " |
23-05-2005 to 29-05-2005 |
Dept. of Commerce & B. Management, Vaagdevi P.G. College, Warangal, Telangana. |
28 |
Attended a 23 day refresher course on "Commerce and Business Management" |
28-02-2005 to 22-03-2005 |
Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. |
29 |
Attended a 6 day refresher course on "Business Research Methodology" |
19-07-2004 to 24-07-2004 |
Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana. |
30 |
Attended a on week workshop on "Quantitative Techniques" |
10-09-2001 to 15-09-2001 |
Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented | Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. | Organized by |
1 |
Problems and Implementation of IFRS: An Empirical Study |
International Conference on Implications of IFRS for Corporate Reporting Practices, 13th-15th March, 2015. |
Dept. of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad |
2 |
Techniques of Economic Analysis in Engineering and Management Studies |
International Conference on Advance Research & Innovations in Mechanical, Material Science, Industrial Engineering & Management (ICARIMMIEM-2014). 6th -7th January 2014 |
Christhu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal |
3 |
Impact of Globalisation on Small Industries, |
International Conference on International Trade & Commerce, Sponsored by ICSSR-SRC, 5th-7th March 2010 |
Dept. of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad |
4 |
Maximizing Benefit & Minimizing Cost through FDI |
International Symposium on Global Business Challenges and Opportunities, 15th and 16th of February 2007. |
5 |
Impact of Information Technology on Legal Business Environment |
International Commerce Seminar, on Changing Scenario of International Trade Regime and Developing Countries, 12th to 14th January, 2006. |
6 |
CSR practices in Indian Insurance sector |
CSR in India –Emerging issues and Challenges, sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. 3rd & 4th February 2017 |
Kakatiya University. Warangal |
7 |
Issues and Challenges of Financial Institutions in India |
Changing Dimensions of Financial and Banking System in India, sponsored by UGC (SERO).17th & 18th March 2017. |
Government Degree College for women, Karim Nagar. |
Challenges in Indian Banking and Financial Sector |
Emerging Trends in banking and Insurance Sector, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi |
CKM Arts & Science College |
9 |
Companies Act, 2013 -Drive the Risk Intelligent Enterprises in India |
Companies Act, 2013 –New Standards for Corporate governance, 21-22nd December 2015 |
ICAI, New Delhi |
10 |
FDI Inflows in India: Problems and Challenges |
FDI in India: Boon or Bane, Sponsored by ICSSR, HYD. 19-20 December 2014 |
Satavahana University |
11 |
Role of FDI in Economic Development of India: Sectoral Analysis |
Role of Financial Services in Growth of Indian Economy, Sponsored by AICTE. 26th & 27th September, 2013. |
Alluri Institute of Management Science, Warangal |
12 |
Emerging Client Service and Operating Costs on Retail Banking in India |
Role of Financial Services in Growth of Indian economy, 26th & 27th September, 2013. Sponsored by AICTE. |
Alluri Institute of Management Science, Warangal |
13 |
Impact of Rupee Devaluation on Financial Services –A Study on Rebounding Strategies |
Role of Financial Services in Growth of Indian economy, Sponsored by AICTE, 26th & 27th September, 2013. |
Alluri Institute of Management Science, Warangal |
14 |
Green Marketing sustainable Development: Challenges and Strategies |
National Seminar on Green Marketing-New hopes and challenges, Sponsored by AICTE. 30th & 31st August, 2013. |
Alluri Institute of Management Science, Warangal |
15 |
The Growth of Indian Insurance Sector –A Study |
National Seminar on Emerging issues and Challenges of Insurance Sector in India, Sponsored by UGC. 28th & 29th March 2013. |
Department of Commerce and Business Management, KU. |
16 |
Role of Integrated Market Communication in Financial Services |
National Seminar on Integrated Marketing Communications, Sponsored by AICTE. 15th & 16th March 2013 |
Alluri Institute of Management Science |
17 |
Role of advertising in Capital Market Efficiency |
National Seminar on Integrated Marketing Communications, Sponsored by AICTE, 15th & 16th March 2013. |
Alluri Institute of Management Science |
18 |
Strategic Project Management its Portfolio Methodology |
National Seminar on Project Management –A tool for Strategic Competence, Sponsored by ICSSR. 15th and 16th March 2013. |
Department of Business Management, Osmania University. |
19 |
Mobile Banking: Financial Inclusions in Rural India |
National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions in Banking Industry in India-Issues and Challenges, 19th & 20th February, 2013. |
School of Management |
20 |
M-Banking: Problems and Perspectives in India |
National seminar on Role of commercial banks in Personal Finance –Problems and issues, 25th & 26th March 2012. |
UPGC, Kakatiya University. |
21 |
Corporate Governance: Future Prospects and Issues in India |
National Seminar on Challenges of Corporate Governance in India –The need for proactive Approach, sponsored by UGC, New Delhi, under SAP-DRS-I. 30th to 31st March, 2011 |
Kakatiya University |
22 |
India’s Economy and the Looming Global Economic Crisis |
National Seminar on Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Indian Economy, sponsored by UGC. |
KGD & PG College. Hanamkonda |
23 |
Global Financial Crisis and Transcending from Recovery to Growth of Indian Economy |
National Seminar on Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Indian Economy, sponsored by UGC. 12th & 13th November, 2010. |
KGD & PG College. Hanamkonda |
24 |
Application Supported by Blocked Amount for IPO’s –An overview |
National Seminar on Organisation and Working of Financial sector in India, sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. 23rd to 25th September, 2010. |
Alluri Institute of Management Sciences |
25 |
Quality Enhancement –Strategies for Teaching and Learning |
National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Aided-Accredited Educational Institutions, sponsored by NAAC, Banglore, 27th and 28th September, 2008. |
Lal Bahadur College, Warangal |
26 |
Perceptual Tribulations in Management Education |
National Seminar on New Paradigms of Management Education in India. March 26th & 27th, 2008. |
School of Management, UASC, Kakatiya University. |
27 |
Special Economic Zones –An Indian Perspective |
National Seminar on Special Economic Zones -Opportunities & Challenges, Sponsored by UGC, SERO, HYD. 24th and 25 October 2008 |
Lal Bahadur College, Warangal |
28 |
Financial Services –The Road Ahead |
National Seminar on New Horizons in Financial Services Management –Challenges and Solutions. April 25th, 2008 |
Kakatiya University. |
29 |
Legal Environment of Business –A Study on Foreign Investment in India |
All India Commerce Conference (57th) Indian Commerce Association, INDORE, (MADHYA PRADESH). 26th to 28th Dec 2004. |
30 |
Assassination of Indian Farmers through Globalization |
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Changing Perspectives of Indian Federalism – Viability of Smaller States. 1st and 2nd March 2007. |
Lal Bahadur College, Warangal. A.P. |
31 |
Demand for New States -Problems and Prospects |
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Changing Perspectives of Indian Federalism – Viability of Smaller States |
Lal Bahadur College, Warangal. A.P. |
32 |
An Evolution of Regional Rural Banks and its Recent Trends |
UGC National Seminar on Inclusive Rural Banking. 15th and 16th March 2007. |
33 |
CRM-Customer Knowledge Management –Software Industry |
National Level Seminar on Customer Relationship Management. March 1st 2006 |
The American College, MADURAI. |
34 |
Torrential Forces in Indian Modern Retailing |
National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Indian Retailing –Problems and Prospects, 28th and 29th March, 2007. |
School of Management, University Arts & Science College, Kakatiya University |
35 |
Wither N.B.F.C.’s in India |
National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions in Service Sector Management, 20th and 21st January, 2007 |
Kakatiya University |
36 |
Problems and Perspectives of Management Education |
National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions in Service Sector Management. 20th and 21st January, 2007. |
Kakatiya University |
37 |
Management of Banking Services –Special Reference to SBI |
National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions in Service Sector Management. 20th and 21st January, 2007 |
Kakatiya University |
38 |
A Critical Appraisal of the Industrial Financing Institutions –A Select Study |
National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions in Service Sector Management. 20th and 21st January, 2007 |
Kakatiya University |
39 |
Changing Dimensions of HRM in B-Schools |
UGC National Seminar on Emerging Dimensions of Human Resource Management. 29th & 30th March 2005. |
University Post Graduate College, Kakatiya University |
40 |
An outlook –Waft of Indian Banking System |
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Financial Markets in India-Problems and prospects. 18th & 19th March 2005. |
University Arts & Science College. W.G.L, (A.P.) |
41 |
Crisis and Reforms of Power Sector in Andhra Pradesh |
The Andhra Pradesh Sociological Society Conference (VI) Sponsored by (A.P.S.S) on Economic Reforms and Social processes in India, March 13th & 14th 2004. |
42 |
Ethics for Management Accountants |
AICTE supported National Seminar on Ethical Values in Business, 25th & 26 September 2004. |
Chaitanya P. G. College, W.G.L, (A.P). |
43 |
A Leader of Ethics |
AICTE supported National Seminar on Ethical Values in Business, 25th & 26 September 2004. |
Chaitanya P.G. College. W.G.L, (A.P.). |
44 |
Escalating Shapes of Capital Market –An Overview |
UGC Sponsored National seminar on Financial Markets in India-Problems and prospects, 18th & 19th March 2005. |
University Arts & Science College. W.G.L, (A.P.), |
45 |
Emerging Trends in Banking Culture in India –A Study |
National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Banking, 23rd and 24th January 2004. |
University Arts & Science College, Warangal, (A.P.) |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 |
Resource Person, Quality Enhancement Measures in Higher Educational Institutions |
one day state level Workshop |
Organized by the IQAC, Govt. Degree College, Siddipet on 31-07-2017. |
2 |
Resource Person, Technical Session, Financial and Banking System- Issues and Challenges, |
UGC Sponsored Two Day national Seminar on “Changing Dimensions of Financial and Banking System in India |
Govt. Degree College for women, Karimnagar during 17-18 March, 2017. |
3 |
Resource Person, Technical Session, CBES & Credit transfer |
UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on “Implementation of CBCS in Higher Education Institutions” |
Govt. Degree College, Siddipet Telangana State during 28-29 December 2016. |
4 |
Resource Person, “ Financial Feasibility of a Project”, |
The two week program “Training of Trainers on Entrepreneurship Development” (TOT-ED) Sponsored by Ministry of MSME and ni-msme Hyd., on 08.02.2016 on the topic |
Kamala Institute of technology & Science, Singapuram, Karim Nagar, Telangana State. |
5 |
Resource Person, “Project Report -Bankers view (Financial Appraisal)”, |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Sponsored by EDII, /Ahmedabad and NSTEDB, Govt. of India, on 03.02.2016 |
EDC, KITS, Warangal Telangana State. |
6 |
Resource Person, Entrepreneurship Development” (FDP-ED), |
The two week “Faculty Development Program” Sponsored by ni-msme from 23rd Feb. 2015 to 07th March 2015. |
KITS Warangal, Telangana State |
7 |
Resource Person, The Emotional Intelligence, Optimism & Pessimism” |
One day workshop on 20th Jan.2014. |
Bhargavi Degree & P.G.College, Warangal, Telangana State |
Guest Speaker, “The Industrial Placement Practices-At Present” |
08th Jan. 2013. |
Bhargavi Degree & P.G. College, Warangal, Telangana State |
9 |
Resource Person, Asst. Audit Officers and Senior Auditors of Zone-V on DEABA System. |
Two day Training Program for Audit Officers and Senior auditors of Zone. |
10 |
Resource Person, “The Corporate Taxation and its Practice” |
One day Awareness Program on 10th Dec. 2012. |
Bhargavi Degree & P.G. College, Warangal, Telangana State |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
The Best Citizens of India Award 2014, under the Biographical Specialist, International Publishing house, New Delhi, India |
2 |
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Transformations in Business Management, p-ISSN: 2454-468X and e-ISSN: 2231-6868. |
3 |
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities, p-ISSN: 2454-4671 and e-ISSN: 2249-4642 |
4 |
Editorial member, Edwin Group of Journals, R. No. 003736504220 |
5 |
Chairperson, inspection committee, proposed Research center of RSR RCET in Management held on 18-03-2023 by Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University. |